St. Joseph’s English Medium School – Villoonni is established, owned and administrated by the community of the Josephine Sisters, founded by late Rev. Fr. Cyriac Kottayarukil CMI. The school is directly under the management of St. Joseph’s Educational and Charitable Trust. All great works of God have humble beginning so too, St. Joseph’s E. M School, like the mustard seed of the Gospel sprouted and grew slowly and today it is a growing tree with birds nesting on its branches.
Situated in the salubrious surroundings and tranquil area of Villoonni, surrounded by many prominent places like Medical college, Kudamaloor, Mannanam and many small villages, St. Joseph’s English Medium School has a perfect setting. People of this area were eager to get their children a very good education. This school is the realization of the long-cherished dream of the people of Arpookara, to have a CBSE School in their own soil. The School is co-educational and admissions to the school are open to all students irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Keeping this in mind and conscious of the great and the challenging needs of the times, with a view to imparting knowledge, the school was started in 2003, by Rev. Fr. Leopold CMI in providing quality education designed for the all-round development of the child…

Patron Saint - St. Joseph

St. Joseph is a powerful patron. He is, as John Paul II called him, the Guardian of the Redeemer. He humbly accepted his role as guardian, husband and father in the Holy Family. Therefore, St. Joseph’s intercession has been sought for centuries.
The school is named after St. Joseph, the foster father of the child Jesus, who looked after the begotten son of the God Almighty, by doing carpentry. A child who enters our school is accepted as a gift from God, and is moulded accordingly and he/she will be helped to develop an innovative intelligence which will help his /her total personality. We will continuously improve our performance by involving the students, the staff and the parents.
Saint Joseph, you are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I come to you as an example for holiness, for you are especially close with God. Therefore, I humbly commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.

Our school aims to mould the children with a keen sense of discipline responsibility and self reliance. We also aim to develop a sound character, a balanced personality and a healthy physical and intellectual growth based upon moral values.
The management and staff have together taken up the responsibility in moulding the children and leading them to better future. The school provides modern facilities and homely atmosphere needed for the uplift of the students.
St. Joseph’ English Medium School provide equal opportunities for both boys and girls to achieve excellence in academic cultural, sporting civic, leadership and social endeavours in an environment conducive to learning, teaching and friendship.
Our students and staff enjoy our school campus that is surrounded by “ beauty Charm and adventure”
Wishing all the best,
Sr. Zion Maria Kottasserry (Tessy Mol Chacko)

Have you ever notice how nice a lawn looks after its been cut. Sure it looks nice to us, but don’t ask the grass what it had to go through. Although growth may cause us temporary pain, that same growth will be used to display the beauty of god With immense joy and gratitude I thank god for all the blessings he is showering upon us each day.
Victory is not the property of brilliance. it’s the crown for those who bow themselves in front of hard work & confidence.
Every student must realize the inner source of energy & resilience that is offen hidden in them in different forms Then the education become a momentous & effective exercise.
I believe and pray that St. Joseph School would continue to support & motivate its students and teachers to create a world of different. I hope that it will be a great opportunity for the students and teachers to realize their creative talents & virtues lidden in them.
Wishing you all the very best
Sr. Jeesa Jose
Our mission is to provide quality and holistic education to the students, help and support them in their personal growth shaping them into mature and responsible individuals, foster the academic and creative abilities and aptitudes and cultivate a sense of social and civic responsibility, empowering them to serve humanity and to enable them to meet successfully the challenges in their future life and career.
A Child is born with immense potentialities. Where personal attention is given to every child focusing on physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual strengths which are the four main pillars of education, there the holistic development of the child, takes place.
School Facilities
We provide our students with best in class facilities to reach out their learning objectives fast and effectively and to leverage the multi-faceted talents in our students.
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